Lily Allen – Hard Out Here

15 Nov

Following her launch back into the music scene with the aid of a certain Christmas advertisement, Lily Allen has dropped her debut single from her forthcoming album ‘Hard Out Here’, co-written and produced by Greg Kurstin.

Off-beat verses hint at the ska-grooves of vintage Lily Allen, before heading for a four-on-the-floor build towards the huge drop of the electro-pop chorus. The chorus hook has a playful descending melody, extremely catchy, singable and booty-shaking danceable. Allen’s pleasing vocals delve into her soft upper range for the bridge, which perhaps make the delivery of the line ‘”forget your balls and grow a pair of tits” that much funnier.

And that’s what really sets this song apart, the wit, the sarcasm, the satire. The lyrics are Lily Allen at her best. Ripping the piss out of the music industry line by line. The feisty girl-power pop song has finally made a return and it can’t come soon enough.

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